
Franklin Flyers PTSA Finances

Franklin Flyers PTSA keeps accurate financial records to ensure compliance with all state and federal government rules and regulations. Additionally, as a local unit of the Minnesota PTA, we follow the state association's operating bylaws to maintain best financial practices.

An overview of our budgeted expenses for the year is included below. This provides a summary of where we direct our investments. Also included is information on our monthly treasurer reports and annual financial statements.

As always, please contact us directly if you have any questions or need more information.

Franklin Flyers PTSA Budgeted Expenses

Budgeted expenses for fiscal year 2024:

Franklin Flyers PTSA Treasurer Reports

Treasurer reports are presented at each monthly general membership meeting. See the online PTSA calendar for the next meeting date.

Franklin Flyers PTSA Annual Financial Statements

Franklin Flyers PTSA annual financial statements are available by request. Contact us directly to review these documents.

Northwest Airlines Douglas DC3 christened "City of Rochester" - Rochester Airport August 1940